24 March 2007

Moody afternoon......

The day wasn't particularly good yesterday weather wise, but as I was on my way home the sun came out from between the clouds and shone onto sea. The view was stunning.

Again it's the dark and light that catch me. I joined two photos together for the above, here they are independently.



lettuce said...

These are gorgeous photos Dizzy. The light is fantastic. But also the colours - they would make a great palette for weaving. hmmm.... having ideas.

looking forward to seeing you soon :o)

Cream said...

I agree! They're like paintings.

Dizzy said...

Thanks for your comments. I am glad you like the photos. I took these with the phone camera, I shall have to make sure I carry the better camera in future, just think how good they would have been then.

Letty - so looking forward to seeing you. XX

Jay said...

Those are just beautiful photos.

Akelamalu said...

Hi there. I followed a link from Cream's blog.
You have some lovely photographs, I particularly like those of the 'jersey cows'. They reminded me a little of the Cow Parade they have in Manchester.

DCveR said...

Same happens here... the good cameras often stay at home and the only thing I always carry around is the phone camera. But these pics are great nonetheless.

lettuce said...

c'mon dizzy, dog pics at the weekend please!
